Monday, September 20, 2010

Bell's Cherry Stout

Bell's Cherry Stout is what gave me the idea to do a fruit theme after I had it at Barclay Prime and really wanted to have a couple more bottles of it.
It poured a pretty dark black color with absolutely no head.  The smell was almost all tart cherries with some slight roastiness.  The first taste of the beer is full of cherries but soon balanced by the stout side of the beer.  After swallowing, a nice roasted malt flavor comes through which keeps it from being cloying.  As I worked my way through the beer, the two flavors, cherries and roasted malts, basically alternated.  Once it warmed up a bit, the cherries weren't quite as tart and the beer was incredibly drinkable.  I'm really glad I did this theme just for this beer.  Really good.  It had a really nice mouth feel too as it was just thick enough that it was really enjoyable to drink.

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